Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34/365

Weight: 260.5

I need to stop eating some many packaged foods, especially snacks

Eye Doctor Appointment

Today I had an appointment with the eye doctor. I've been having a problem lately of having fuzzy vision, and small print straining my eyes. Some could be in part that I am staring at a computer all day and looking at small print (LOL)

I learned a few things from the doctor that I've never known about my eyes:

1. I have an astigmatism in my left eye
2. My eyes are dry
3. And my eyes don't look looking in (/ \) and they also don't like looking out
(\ /)

So he suggested glasses to see if they help at all, along with some Physical Therapy exercises for my eyes. Yes, I do PT for my EYES.

I choose a sweet pair of Converses wire-framed glasses, and I go back in about a week to pick them up!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 33/365

Weight: 260

Exercise: 76 minutes
Burned: 812 calories

Called out of work today due to all the snow we were dumped with. Spent over an hour trying to shovel out that driveway, and even then it wasn't done and had to leave it to my sister and her boyfriend to finish.

Day 32/365 - February 1st

Weight: 261

I really need to start limiting myself on the chips, even though they are within my calories that push me way over in the sodium.

Doctor appointment this morning pushed me back, as I didn't want to eat breakfast in case I needed blood work (which they did do).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Doctor Appointment

Height: 5'7.75" .... Seriously? I thought I was 5'8" or 5'9"!! Now I've shrunk (and this was with shoes on) and raised my BMI all in the same day. LOL

Weight: 268.5 They weighed me wearing shoes, fully clothes AND with jeans. So I'm logging the weight separately.

I seem to be in good order, other than my weight. My doctor gave me a few questions to think about and report back in a month, mainly due to why I think I have depression and what are my triggers that make me depressed.

I have also been diagnosed with Trochanteric bursitis, which is basically:

"Hip bursitis is a common problem that causes pain over the outside of the upper thigh. A bursa is a fluid filled sac that allows smooth motion between two uneven surfaces. For example, in the hip, a bursa rests between the bony prominence over the outside of the hip (the greater trochanter) and the firm tendon that passed over this bone. When the bursal sac becomes inflamed, each time the tendon has to move over the bone, pain results. Because patients with hip bursitis move this tendon with each step, hip bursitis symptoms can be quite painful."

OWCH. So when that flares up, I'm to overdose myself with 800mg of Ibuprofen and do some silly-looking exercises, but I am happy to know I'm not making something up and there's really something wrong. As soon as I touched my hip and told him where it hurt he automatically knew what it was, so yay! for Mere not being crazy!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Goodbye January, Hello February!!!

JANUARY 1st, 2011 to JANUARY 31st, 2011 = 13 pounds LOST!!!!!!!! If my calculations are right, that's 4% of weight loss of my total goal!

Woohoo!! I have completed a whole month of eating healthier and gotten a good start on my Path to the new me. This is the longest I have EVER dieted, and I am hoping it doesn't stop!


1. Now that January has come to a close, I've been toying different ideas on what to do for February. I had narrowed it down to the either the gym, or p90x, and have decided to do p90x. It's free, and I don't have to feel self-conscious at the gym being the only fat girl (it's a small gym in town).

2. Tomorrow (2/1) I have a doctors appointment. I haven't seen a doctor in about 5 years. I'm hoping they will set me up to get some lab work done, see if my thyroid or blood glucose is off, and overall healthiness. I'm also going to see about getting a bucket load of medication for my depression, anxiety issues, ADD, and for the knee and back issues I've been having. Also going to bring up about my hearing issues, I think I have some hearing loss in my left ear and it is really bugging me. Not the fact that I may be loosing hearing, just that I'm not certain if that is what's going on.

3. Thursday (2/3) I have an eye appointment to get my eyes checked. Probably haven't had one in about 10 years, and the last year or so it's been getting harder to read small print from far away.

4. Next week (2/10) I have a dentist appointment. Again, probably hasn't been 5 years. I'm sure I have at least 2 cavities, probably more due to all my soda drinking back in 2010.

As one can see, I now have health insurance this year, and I want to use it to it's fullest extent to help make a more happier, and healthier person.

Day 31/365

Calories: 1482, Carbs: 142, Fat: 74, Protein: 101, Sugar: 46, Sodium: 2630

Weight: 261.5

Water: 2 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 10 minutes

Went to Stryder's flyball class, wore the HRM. And forgot to press the damn button (LOL).

**I've decided to no longer track for the 90 day challenge. It wasn't really doing anything for motivating me, especially if I didn't real a goal by a certain date.

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

--> 12.5 pounds down, 37.5 to go!!!

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 30/365

Calories: 1482, Carbs: 142, Fat: 74, Protein: 101, Sugar: 46, Sodium: 2630

Weight: 261

Water: 2 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 10 minutes

Went to Stryder's flyball class, wore the HRM. And forgot to press the damn button (LOL).

**I've decided to no longer track for the 90 day challenge. It wasn't really doing anything for motivating me, especially if I didn't real a goal by a certain date.

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

--> 12.5 pounds down, 37.5 to go!!!

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day 29/365

Calories: 1377, Carbs: 169, Fat: 47, Protein: 129, Sugar: 56, Sodium: 2163

Peanut butter and burger put me over in fat; The chicken and burger over in protein; Granola bar, syrup, and piece of chocolate work pushed me over in sugar.

Weight: 263

Water: 4 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 0/7
2. Do jumping jacks for 2 minutes without stopping EVERYDAY this week: 0/7
3. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/7

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

--> 11 pounds down, 39 to go!!!

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 28/365

Calories: 1549, Carbs: 141, Fat: 76, Protein: 85, Sugar: 44, Sodium: 2186

Weight: 262.5

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 7/7
2. 8 Sets of 25 Squats 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

**No challenge so far**

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 27/365

Calories: 1448, Carbs: 130, Fat: 54, Protein: 96, Sugar: 57, Sodium: 1785

Weight: 263

Water: 6

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 5 minutes

Shoveled the back deck off for the dogs before work

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 6/7
2. 8 Sets of 25 Squats 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

**No challenge so far**

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 26/365

Calories: 1420, Carbs: 186, Fat: 59, Protein: 67, Sugar: 34, Sodium: 2458

Weight: 263.9

Woohooo!!!! I brought the scale downstairs today to check on the readings. The scale is the exact amount as the other scale we have downstairs. I am chalking it up to uneven floors up here, and going to see if I was depressed this weekend over nothing.

Water: 16 glasses

Yes, 16 frelling glasses!!!

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 5/7
2. 8 Sets of 25 Squats 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

**No challenge so far**

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Water Water Everywhere...

I decided today to try to drink half my body weight in 8 ounce glasses. And at my weight, that meant (8) 16 fl bottles of water. I chugged water all day, on my breaks and at lunch, between breaks. And downed a gazillion amount of water at dinner AND before desert.

Hopefully this puts an (un)dent in the scale tomorrow. I don't see this as being an everyday affair, so maybe just 1-2 times a week depending on the outcome.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 25/365

Calories: 1415, Carbs: 188, Fat: 38, Protein: 76, Sugar: 61, Sodium: 1824

Switched the settings on MFP back to being Lightly Active. I'm slightly concerned not eating enough was one of the causes of me not loosing weight at all this weekend

Weight: 265

Oooooo 0.2 lbs lost. Someone shoot me, preferably soon

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 4/7
2. 8 Sets of 25 Squats 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

**No challenge so far**

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO


I'm stupid, and let myself get into a depressed funk this weekend. I was so mad/frustrated/upset that the scale was not moving that I mostly laid in bed all weekend. Stayed within my calories, but no exercising and just all around laying around feeling sorry for myself.

I didn't even go to Stryder's flyball class. And it's just.. ugh! So stupid! Why didn't I go, I would have had fun and possibly gotten out of my funk.

I need to stop letting myself get upset about a stupid little neon light on a scale. So what. I should be able to use it as motivation to get up and moving, and not a set back.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 24/365

Calories: 1510, Carbs: 163, Fat: 54, Protein: 112, Sugar: 59, Sodium: 2479

Over in protein and sugar. Both I am not overly worried about, I'd rather be over in protein than sodium, and the mango sorbet desert is what pushed me over the top

Weight: 265.2

I am really not liking the scale today, it has not moved since Saturday. VERY frustrated and depressed this weekend, but I will continue on and hopefully break through this damn barrier

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 3/7
2. 8 Sets of 25 Squats 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

**No challenge so far**

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23/365

Calories: 1375, Carbs: 152, Fat: 67, Protein: 45, Sugar: 12, Sodium: 4475

Wayyy over sodium and a little bit over in sugar today. This weekend has been too much processed junk, versus my normal lean cuisines and veggies/meat from dinner.

Weight: 265

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 2/7
2. 8 Sets of 25 Squats 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

**No challenge so far**

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 22/365

Calories: 1412, Carbs: 147, Fat: 42, Protein: 62, Sugar: 44, Sodium: 2553

Over in sugar and sodium for the day, but under 357 calories for the day... go me!

Weight: 265

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 24 minutes

Shoveled the roof, chopped down part of the snowbank along the driveway, and chopped ice at the end. I think I was outside for an hour but I must have bumped the HRM at some point and stopped it (@#$!&@#*!@$#)

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 1/7
2. 8 Sets of 25 Squats 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

**No challenge so far**

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: NO

Check-In Week Three

I am down 2lbs since last weigh-in. I did hit -10 pounds yesterday, but I am using Saturdays as an official start point. It was only a 0.4 pound gain, perhaps all the water or shoveling/exercise I have been doing put on a bit of muscle. Or maybe because I had soup and grilled cheese for dinner then wasn't very active afterward.

Anywho, today starts a new week and I'm already excited to weigh in next week to see what I'm at!!

Ohh!! And that also only leaves me 41 pounds to loose by July 1st, 50 pounds seemed like such a high amount but I'm chopping away at it everyday/week!! I'm hoping to achieve my goal before then, and have lost more than the 50#s, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day 21/365

Calories: 1970, Carbs: 232, Fat: 79, Protein: 44, Sugar: 69, Sodium: 3326

I've decided on the weekends to change my settings on MFP from light activity to sedentary, as I am mostly lounging around (hey it's the weekend!!) Gonna see how that pans out.

Weight: 263.4

Water: 10 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 92 minutes

62 minutes was spent shoveling the dog yard and the driveway, and then 30 minutes doing Wii Fit Plus.

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 6/7
2. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3
3. 30 Chair Dips 2 out 7 Days this week: 0/2
4. Do 100 toe raises this week: 70/100

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

1. Burn 5,000 calories: 1093/5000

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES
2. Exercise for 30 minutes every day on the Wii: YES


What was/is your motivation to loose weight?

I have a few things that keep me motivated:

- My 10yr reunion from high school is in 2 years and I don't want to be the same "me" from high school

- I read an article before the holidays about people carrying around a lot of extra weight/fat have a 13% chance of dying after reading said article vs someone that is at a healthy weight

-The TV show "Heavy". If someone that weighs more than me (not meaning to offend anyone here) can do it, what is stopping me?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 20/365

Calories: 1553, Carbs: 189, Fat: 30, Protein: 54, Sugar: 29, Sodium: 1940

Weight: 264.6

Water: 2 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 5/7
2. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3
3. 30 Chair Dips 2 out 7 Days this week: 0/2
4. Do 100 toe raises this week: 70/100

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

1. Burn 5,000 calories: 195/5000

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES

I haz a problem....

When I am laying down on the bed on my laptop or watching TV, and I go to prop my head/face up with one hand.... it HURTS!!! I no longer have the same amount of fat on my face that gave it a little bit of cushion. What the HELL!!! (LOL)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 19/365

Calories: 1378, Carbs: 180, Fat: 10, Protein: 28, Sugar: 64

Though I am under, I'm a little concerned that it was just a little bit above 1200 calories a day, and now just before bed I get a headache (the kind you get from not eating enough). Still want to stay under calories by a hundred or so, but think this is a little too much (under 300 calories).

Weight: 266.1

That 10:00pm shoveling randomness was a good thing!

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

What to Change: Remain a few hundred calories under intake goal, but no more than 200 calories.

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 5/7
2. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3
3. 30 Chair Dips 2 out 7 Days this week: 0/2
4. Do 100 toe raises this week: 50/100

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

1. Burn 5,000 calories: 195/5000

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18/365

Calories: 1553, Carbs: 170, Fat: 56, Protein: 36, Sugar: 33

Weight: 267.4

Just goes to show that watching what you eat actually works!!

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 10

Randomly went outside at 10:30pm and shoveled the deck, go me!!

What to Change:

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 4/7
2. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3
3. 30 Chair Dips 2 out 7 Days this week: 0/2
4. Do 100 toe raises this week: 30/100

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

1. Burn 5,000 calories: 195/5000

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day: YES

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 17/365

Calories: 1415, Carbs: 80, Fat: 17, Protein: 13, Sugar: 9

Weight: 269.6

Gained half a pound since yesterday. Bought new scale and it has added 0.6 to my weight, so might as well gain more today then on a better day.

Water: 5 glasses

Supplements: n/a

Exercise: 0

What to Change: EXERCISE!!!

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 3/7
2. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3
3. 30 Chair Dips 2 out 7 Days this week: 0/2
4. Do 100 toe raises this week: 30/100

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

1. Burn 5,000 calories: 105/5000

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 16/365

Calories: 1780, Carbs: 166, Fat: 24, Protein: 38, Sugar: 23

Went over today, then walked a mile to stay in the green.

Weight: 268.5

I'm not sure about the 1.5lb weight gain, other than all those chips last night, that and also TOM. I'm hoping tomorrow shows some sort of loss as the gaining since Friday is making me sad and discouraged.

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: Acidophiles

Exercise: 13 minutes

Walked 1 mile with my walking DVD and burned 105 calories

What to Change: Serving sizes! I am measuring but I over eat what the serving size says. I need to follow this!!

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 2/7
2. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 1/3
3. 30 Chair Dips 2 out 7 Days this week: 0/2
4. Do 100 toe raises this week: 30/100

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

1. Burn 5,000 calories: 105/5000

**NEW** Personal goals:

1. Remain 100 calories short for the day

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15/365

Calories: 2113, Carbs: 197, Fat: 85, Protein: 42, Sugar: 34

All was good last night, until I was feeling like crap from TOM and indulged on some chips.

Weight: 267

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: N/A

Exercise: Approximately 120 minutes

Went shopping with mom, MFP calculated 603 calories, which I am guessing is way off.

What to Change: CRAVINGS!!... don't have them (LOL)

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 1/7
2. Walk/Jog/Run a Mile 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/3
3. 30 Chair Dips 2 out 7 Days this week: 0/2
4. Do 100 toe raises this week: 30/100

Lose 50lbs by July 1, 2011 Challenge:

1. Burn 5,000 calories: 0/5000*
Not taking in the walking today as I am not sure how accurate it is

Perspective Week Two

This is what seven pounds look like.

As a side note, I am glad I could keep the entire LotR series together (LOL)

Check-in Week Two

Week two has ended in a total loss of 1.5lbs (weighed in at 267), bringing that to a total of 7lbs this year!! I wanted to achieve the 2lbs/week per MFP, but what with TOM I will take what I can get. Also 43lbs to go until I hit 50lbs lost!

This week I want to complete both of the challenge groups challenges. For the 90 Day Challenge group, I'm to drink 5 glasses of water a day, walk a mile 3/7 days, 30 chair dips 2/7 days, and do 100 toe raises. Seems either enough, at least compared to the L50BJ1 group, which is to burn 5,000 calories by weeks end. Not sure how I will do with that one, but I am going to try my best!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14/365

Calories: 1605, Carbs: 231, Fat: 50, Protein: 60, Sugar: 35

Weight: 266

I think eating later at night (like 9pm) doesn't leave me enough time to digest stuff enough by morning

Water: 5

Supplements: N/A

Exercise: 0

Activia Challenge: 13/14

What to Change: EXERCISE

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 25/30
2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/90
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 52/90
4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week: 436/600

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13/365

Calories: 1569, Carbs: 150, Fat: 35, Protein: 47, Sugar: 28

Weight: 266

Water: 5

Supplements: N/A

Exercise: 0

Activia Challenge: 12/14

What to Change: EXERCISE

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 20/30
2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/90
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 52/90
4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week: 336/600

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12/365

Calories: 1642, Carbs: 129, Fat: 23, Protein: 60, Sugar: 25

Under today, though totals don't include ice cream I treated myself to last night after shoveling for an hour. Funny enough, I didn't really want to eat it after more than a few bites (though I did finish it *sadface*)

Weight: 266.5

Water: 5

Supplements: N/A

Exercise: 51 minutes

Anyone call for a blizzard? We got 18-24" within 12 hours. This is why Mainers don't need to join gyms in the winter. LOL

Activia Challenge: 11/14

What to Change: When body says no, LISTEN TO IT!!

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 20/30
2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/90
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 52/90
4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week: 236/600

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11/365

Calories: 1739, Carbs: 196, Fat: 49, Protein: 97, Sugar: 41

Under 36 calories today, miscalculated on dinner and had to exercise. Was going to do longer but it was midnight and my floors are too squeaky and I didn't want to wake anyone up.

Weight: 269.5

Not sure what happened, I was under calories by 85. Maybe it was all the mashed potatos I ate before bed and didn't have enough time to digest? Ughh.

Water: 6

Supplements: N/A

Exercise: 4 minutes (see above)

Activia Challenge: 10/14

What to Change: Exercise and watch calories!!

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 12/35
2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/90
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 30/90
4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week: 136/700

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10/365

Calories: 1625, Carbs: 196, Fat: 41, Protein: 116, Sugar: 57

Wish I had judged more correctly to leave 100 calories for the challenge, but what can ya do, tomorrow is another day.

Weight: 268

Surprised I lost 1/2 a pound considering all the peanut butter (LOL)

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: None

Exercise: 0

Activia Challenge: 9/14

What to Change: EXERCISE! Thinking about buying a Wii balance board to get at least 30 minutes of working out in since my sister doesn't seem to want to lend me hers (though she has hardly used it.

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 12/35
2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/90
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 30/90
4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week: 85/700

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 9/365

Calories: 1575, Carbs: 153, Fat: 43, Protein: 118, Sugar: 57

Is the the total because horking down on some peanut butter last night trying to dislodge a popcorn kernel that was choking me in the back of my throat (and it worked too!)

Weight: 268.5

Not watching what I ate yesterday, stayed the same though so not all that bad.

Water: 6 glasses

Supplements: None

Exercise: 60 minutes

Go Flyball class! Had a blast going out and doing something with my dog, and getting to meet new people.

Activia Challenge: 8/14

What to Change: Not dying by popcorn kernels!!

90 Day Fitness Challenge:

1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week: 6/35
2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week: 0/90
3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week: 30/90
4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week: 100/700

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8/365

Calories: 1919, Carbs: 91, Fat: 26, Protein: 40, Sugar: 25

Over 159 calories today, didn't pay close attention to what I was eating and what I should have cut back on. Also not sure if I want over in the other categories or not as I just added basic calories.

Exercise: 15

Tried out "Your Shape" for the Wii, I think it may be too advanced for me now, so am switching to the Wii Fit Plus as of tomorrow.

Weight: 268.5

Water: 0

Activia Challenge: 7/14 Completed

Supplements: Forgot again

What to Change: Feel a bit better today, but still not fully back.


This is what I lost this week. No wonder I am already feeling better and "lighter".

PS. I am so weak I could barely hold this the 5lb weight up long enough to get a decent picture! LOL

Check-In Week One

Today I am 268.5 pounds.
This week I have officially lost 5.5lbs!! I'm so excited!!

I joined a group on MFP to loose 50lbs by July 1, and I am only 44.5lbs to go! I am hoping I do more than 50, as I want to loose all the weight this year.

Even though I am still sick, I am going to try to exercise with the Wii Fit tonight (taking it slow) and perhaps try the new fitness game that my mom got.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7/365

Calories: 1648, Carbs: 128, Fat: 28, Protein: 47, Sugar: 38

Exercise: 0

Weight: 269.5

Only gained half a pound due to my assuming food instead of weighing it, which isn't that bad, I expected to gain more but I'm fine with that half pound. I also was sooo thirsty last night and water was still not appealing (even flavored) so I had two glasses of coke. It felt sooo good and I do feel better today with some fluids in me.

Water: 1

Activia Challenge: 6/14 Completed

Supplements: Forgot again

What to Change: More veggies now that the carrots are gone, exercise more and take vitamins. Feeling a bit better today, but still feel like crap.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6/365

Calories: 1435, Carbs: 74, Fat: 15, Protein: 58, Sugar: 37

I was under 279 calories today, as well as under in carbs and fat. Protein and Sugar went over, though Sugar was due to the canned/processed fruit.

Weight: 269

Exercise: 0

Day 4 of Chest Cold. Death would be welcomed.

Water: 2 glasses

Still think I'm dehydrated, but can't bring myself to drink anything. *insert sadface*

Activia Challenge: 5/14 Completed

Supplements: Multivitamin, Glucosamine 500mg, Fish Oil 1000mg

What to Change: Eat more veggies, other than my carrot snack at work and what is in my Lean Cuisines. Going to make an effort to add veggies with supper every night.

Woohoo!! I'm in the 260s!!!

This mornings weigh in I'm happy to announce I am out of the 270s and have finally made it to the 260s!!! I would like to thank my sponsor, Mr. Chest Cold!!!

Though really, I want this cold thing gone. I'd like to move around without my whole body hurting. I have a feeling it's going to get worse before it gets better, hopefully by the weekend I will feel a bit normal for Stryder's Sunday flyball class

But I am happy about being able to go to bed (more like collapsing out of exhaustion) at a reasonable time, which could also be helping with the weight loss as I've read getting a decent nights sleep is beneficial to loosing weight.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5/365

Calories: 1495, Carbs: 207, Fat: 44, Protein: 51, Sugar: 66

Under again today, and you guessed it, over in protein and sugar! LOL

Weight: 271

Exercise: 0
Does wrenching neck and back due to coughing count as exercise? I think my body is burning calories though, by trying to get my warm. Though it is NOT working! I've been sooo cold ever since this chest cold has hit me.

Water: 1

Activia Challenge: 4/14 Completed

Supplements: Forgot to take, was going to start taking at night but I forget then anyways. Doubling effort tomorrow to take them when I give the dogs theirs.

What to Change: CHEST COLD! It's getting worse!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4/365

Calories: 1696, Carbs: 143, Fat: 41, Protein: 86, Sugar: 73

Under in calories again today, but yet again protein and sugars are over. After I finish the packaged fruits I'm going to attempt to cut up my own to "save" on some calories and to stop consuming as much sugar.

Weight: 273

Exercise: 0

Two words. CHEST COLD.

Water: 2

Activia Challenge: 3/14 Completed

Supplements: Forgot to take, going to try taking at night as I have more time to sit and take them.

What to Change: KICK CHEST COLD!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3/365

Calories: 1,451, Carbs: 175, Fat: 33, Protein: 76, Sugar: 87

I was under 279 calories today, as well as under in carbs and fat. Protein and Sugar went over, though Sugar was due to the canned/processed fruit.

Weight: 274 (Damn you Shepherds Pie!!!)

Exercise: 0

Have come down with a chest cold, anything more than standing and walking hurts (yay me!)

Water: 1 glass

Bought a giant bottle of water to drink, but was just not into it. Usually I can down half of one in one sitting. I NEED to drink it today as I'm worried about becoming dehydrated as I haven't drunk anything since Monday morning.

Activia Challenge: 2/14 Completed

Supplements: Multivitamin, Glucosamine 500mg, Fish Oil 1000mg, Vitamin C 500mg

What to Change: More water and more exercise - though need to shake cold to be able to do the later. Feel like such a bum I can't exercise but I feel like crap. *le sigh*

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2/365

Calories: n/a

Mom made Shepherds Pie for dinner which probably sent me way over my calories for the day, plus I had a late night snack of ice cream cake (bad Mere, bad!) so decided to call it my "free day" of the month.

Exercise: 0

Weight: 272.5

Though I did go to watch a flyball practice with Stryder and Lincoln, and me going out and trying something new is a A+ in my book.

Water: 6 glasses

Activia Challenge: 1/14 Completed

Supplements: Multivitamin, Glucosamine 500mg, Fish Oil 1000mg

What to Change: Stick with dinners I cook, or know the calories in them before eating. Get off my butt and start exercising. I am going to borrow the Wii Fit from my sister tonight and play around for 30 minutes, as well as then tacking on another 45 minutes for the 90 Day Challenge on MFP.

Activia 14-Day Challenge

Today I started the Activia 14-Day Challenge. I'm not a big yogurt fan, but their Light Fat Free Vanilla flavor is so good (and they're only 70 calories).

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1/365

Calories: 1758, Carbs: 117, Fat: 58, Protein: 112, Sugar: 63

I went over 18 calories, and was over in protein and sugar. The calories and sugar was due to the last of the cookies I had in my cupboard, and too much chicken at dinner resulted over in protein. That I am fine with, as I'd rather it be over due to lean meat then a ton of sugar.

Weight: 274

Exercise: 0

Water: 2 glasses

Supplements: Multivitamin, Glucosamine 500mg, Fish Oil 1000mg

What to Change: Increase water consumption and do 45 minutes of cardio for MFP Challenge

2011 Resolutions

While loosing weight is one of my main goals, I also have quite a few I would like to achieve this year:

1. Get to my goal weight (148.2lbs) before 1/1/12
2. Start on 101 Book to Read Before you Die (see sidebar)
3. Learn how to play the Violin
4. Learn how to play the Ocarina
5. Start a store on Etsy
6. Go hiking every weekend Spring-Fall

More will added when they come to me


My name is Mere (aka Meredith) and I live in Maine with my four dogs. You can see their blog here. This blog is mainly for myself, to follow my progress as I work on, what I call, "bettering" to live a more full and colorful life.

I suffer from depression and am morbidly obese (shocker those two go together, eh?). I am 274 pounds as of today. I am unhappy about the way I look and feel, tired of being tired and being the fat chick that gets picked last for kickball.

The meaning behind the the blog name, ever here that reference about not being fat, that you're fluffy? Well I want it to be true. And I love foxes. And I want to feel better about myself and shake off the anxiety that keeps me trapped in my own little world. So as of now...